Monday, 23 April 2012

Finishing the gameplay

Now that all of the collision detection is in and the game now works, I started to design the first level of the game. I added in red walls that are drawn from the text file which if hit by the user, the level is failed. I have given the user 7 mirrors to navigate the beam to the target. The level is not very hard, but it shows that the program works.

I have also put a starting menu on the screen, and a loop so that if the player fails the level, it resets. If the level is complete is leaves back to the main menu.

 Main Menu
Red Wall is hit

I've also added that all the mirrors in the level must be used to hit the target. I did this by having the number of mirrors in the text file and then declaring a separate integer in main which increments every time a mirror is hit. If, when the target is hit, the integer in main is not greater than or equal to the number of mirrors, the level has been failed.

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